The Trinity work in ‘five main ways.’
First, [the Trinity] make you take action by giving you <the Word> through the person They sent for the time period and informing you about the direction [through that Word].
Second, [the Trinity] makes things <come to your mind> according to Their Will.
Third, [the Trinity] make you take action by speaking to you while showing you something through <creation>.
Fourth, when <creation is not there to show>, [the Trinity] make you take action by helping you with <inspiration>. / Sometimes, even if <creation is there to show>, to those who are good at receiving inspiration, [the Trinity] make them take action by giving them only <inspiration>.
Fifth, if you do not take action even after [the Trinity] have inspired you, They work [upon you] by altering <the situation>. Sometimes [the Trinity] only <work through inspiration>.
2015年2月23日 摂理・鄭明析牧師の御言葉
23rd February 2015 Providence: Sermons of Pastor Jung Myeong Seok